Saturday, October 18, 2008

The Mess Factor of Little Boys!

THIS (see above picture) is my usually very neat bedroom - after less than 5 unsupervised minutes with my two little boys today! I was setting up the bounce house in the backyard for them to play on (and let them expend some pent up energy), and when I came back into the house, THIS is what I found!!!

What is the deal with the destructive capabilities of little male children?? Our daughter would sometimes have a messy room, and I admit that both my husband and I have stepped in excruciating pain on a stray Barbie high-heeled shoe in the middle of the night. But THIS? . . . I don't know how they are created to cause such chaos is such a short period of time. AND they ENJOY it so much! When I found them, they were UNDER this pile - LAUGHING - and said that they brought in clothes from our closet and tore up the bed "so they could have something to hide under and jump out and say 'BOO'!" (Well . . . then that makes perfect sense.) Then - and this may be my favorite part - they said "Mommy - boys will be boys!" (a phrase that my sweet husband taught them and one that they use generously).

Being the neat freak, maybe these little guys are God's way of "breaking" me of my controlling habits. Or . . . maybe it will just break me period! (-: You gotta love little boys - even when they did THIS to your bedroom!

. . . just another day in the life . . .