Monday, January 5, 2009

Christmas Eve in Tennessee!

We spent Christmas Eve with Steve's wonderful family in Chattanooga - going to church, having an amazing dinner together, and hearing Steve's Dad read the Christmas Story to the whole family - including 4 generations! We also got to celebrate with Baby Jesus' Birthday Cake - a tradition that I have always enjoyed that we shared with Steve's extended family this year. The children were so excited and couldn't wait for Christmas morning to come!

Robin bringing out Baby Jesus' Birthday Cake (unfortunately Jack and Ryan ended up "fighting" over who got to blow out the candle) - - - but special and fun none the less

Ashley, Jack and Ryan in the church's sitting area after Christmas Eve Candlelight Service!

Christmas Eve Dinner - Robin got to sit with the children at the "Kids Table" - we had a lot of fun!

Jack and Ryan - so excited they could hardly settle down on Christmas Eve night - but after we scattered Jack's "Reindeer Food" on the front lawn, all three of our children hightailed it up to bed (they all slept in one room) and were asleep in just a few minutes. (It's amazing what motivation Santa brought to their bedtime routine!)