Friday, February 20, 2009

Another Day . . . Another Park!

Well . . . it's hard to believe it is really February around here! With all the trees starting to bud and the beautiful, clear & sunny weather, it feels much more like Spring than the end of Winter. So - we decided that we would once again take advantage of the amazing late afternoon and take the boys to the park. This time, Daddy got to come along for the outing (which the boys just LOVED), and we went to a park that is very nearby our home, but one we had not been to since Ashley was in Elementary School. It was a completely new adventure for Jack and Ryan!

Steve pushing the boys on the Merry-Go-Round (The boys had never been on one of these!)

Jack was "built for speed"!

Ryan having a blast in the tunnell slide!

Ryan digging in the dirt. (Somehow our boys ALWAYS find this playground toy!!!)

Jack just simply enjoying the time together with his Dad!

. . . just another day in the life . . .


Elyse said...

That last pict with Jack is PRICELESS :) Glad you guys had a fun afternoon. College town seems to have turned into the windy city everyday now. Have a great weekend!