Sunday, November 16, 2008

Help Me Henry!!!!!!!

Some art materials used for my Baby's "masterpiece!

Boy - has this been a day or what???
My dear husband was off at 6:30 am to fly to Boston for business for a few days, my oldest (almost 5) son escaped twice onto our church playground (both before and after Sunday School), "ran" from me down the aisle of the sanctuary during the church service while returning from the bathroom, later had to be taken out for spitting and making noise in his pew, and finally had to appologize to our pastor for disrupting his sermon, we "enjoyed" an outdoor lunch at a restaurant which ended by Ashley and I each carrying a screaming and kicking boy to the car, and - finally - Baby Ryan (age 2 1/2) decided during his nap that it would be FUN to get up silently (I mean NOT A SOUND), break into his 15 year old sister's room, open up 16 bottles of acrylic paint and and paint all over the carpet in her room, the hallway, the stairs and - in the process - all over his brand new Gymboree church outfit (which he was still wearing from his post-church & lunch nap)!

I AM FRUSTRATED, EXASPERATED, AND JUST PLAIN TIRED!!!! So - I've finally found the perfect situation to use a phrase from one of my dear friends, "Help me Henry!!!" It just seemed perfect here. Maybe it works for today's situation, because my friend has 5 children, and although she seems to have the patience of a saint, I know in my heart that she would be saying "Help Me Henry" on a day like today.

The boys are having dinner with my parents (after I begged for mercy and help), and I will pick them up in a little while. Thanks to wonderful and patient grandparents, they will be fed, played with and happy! We are so greatful for our extended family - both near and far!

Let's just hope tomorrow will NOT be a "Help Me Henry" day!


Lorie said...

HELP ME HENRY!!!!!!!!!
HAVE MERCY!!!!!!!!!!!!
Last but not, by any means least, GOD BLESS YOU ROBIN! He doesn't give you more than you can handle, but girl he tested you today.

Elyse said...

Oh my goodness!!! HELP HENRY!!! Where in the world do kids come up with these things?
Lorie hit the nail on the head with testing!
Hang in there!!!