Thursday, November 20, 2008

How Precious Are These Little Guys????

This is how my little boys now go to bed each night - - - together!

After the past week, I am really worn down by my littlest (2 1/2 year old) boy! (See especially the "Paint" episode posted earlier).

Besides being just plain nutty and into everything he can get his hands on (tonight it was sprinkling Iams Cat Food all over the house and up the stairs), he has really struggled with the "excitement" of going to sleep in a big bed in the new room he and his almost 5-year-old brother now share. Well . . . it seems that we have finally come to some conclusion that is more do-able than having to fall asleep on his Daddy every night (see earlier post): Baby Ryan goes to sleep while his big brother "pets" him on his back or his arm or his forehead. It is truly one of the sweetest, most sensitive and thoughtful sights I have ever seen - especially from such rough and tumble boys!

This morning, Ryan came in to our room and told me "my brother petted me and he loves me so I went to sleep!" Thank God for the blessings of big brothers!!!!


Lorie said...

Ahhh....they are so cute.
Hey girl....if they sleep together, and it works; go for it. Drew and Addi slept together for about a year before Drew was ready to be on her own in a bed.