Saturday, November 8, 2008

Sometimes you just need your Dad!

Our little two year old had a rough night tonight! You see, he is in the process of moving out of his crib into a twin bed next to his older brother in their new shared room. And though this is fun and exciting for Baby Ryan, it is also hard. Add to that the excitement of having his grandparents visit from Tennessee this weekend, and it's easy to see how the little guy was just too wound up to go to bed.
After every punishment and motivation tactic we could think of, my sweet S Blankenship discovered that all little Ryan needed was to cuddle with his Daddy. After a few short minutes he had stopped crying, calmed down and fell asleep - on top of his Dad!
Isn't this picture significant because often all we need from our Heavenly Father is just to be there with his strong and comforting arm around us to calm down from all that is worrying us and making us restless???
I am glad beyond measure that our three children have an earthly father who loves them so much and will always take the time to just hold them - if that's what they need!
. . . just another day in the life . . .


Elyse said...

What a precious picture!!! So true that sometimes you just need DADDY!!