Saturday, November 1, 2008

Soccer, 2008: End of the Line (Thank goodness!)

Wow!!! Our little Jack's first (and possibly last) soccer season has just finished! We have always wanted to let our kids explore different interests and then settle on what they enjoy and are good at doing. Let's just say, at this point, soccer does NOT seem to be the love of Jack's little young life!
However, I must say that today was a real joy. Jack was blessed with two amazing coaches and a fantastic team of kids to play with this season. And at our end of the season party today, his coach presented Jack with a huge trophy and took the time to praise him very specifically for the things he did well this season! That praise made Jack feel like a soccer superstar, and at age four, that's what really matters!
Besides the great trophy, hot dog cookout, and fun with his team at a local park, Jack got to enjoy some amazing "soccer ball" cupcakes - complete with black dyed icing. He was a hoot to watch with his little black lips, tongue and teeth.
Thank God for putting the right people in our lives for both the successful and the not-so-successful experiences!
. . . just another day in the life . . .