Friday, October 17, 2008

My "Mini Me"

It's amazing when your children finally grow up to the point that you actually begin to see glimpses of yourself in them. Our daughter turned 15 over the Summer and it blows our mind that we just have 2 1/2 years left with her at home! She was on a church youth retreat this weekend and she told one of my good friends (who was a chaperone) "I'm just like my Mom" - in reference to the amount of primping time required in the mornings. (Imagine that . . .) When I heard that I just laughed, because - more than either she or I care to admit it - we are VERY MUCH alike. It's probably why I LOVE and ENJOY her company at some times, and also why I WANT TO JUMP OFF A CLIFF out of frustration in dealing with her at other times!

But when looking at the big and long term picture, I am so blessed to have my beautiful, smart, spunky, driven, competitive, hysterically funny, dramatic and very feisty daughter! If she doesn't kill me along the way, I know she will be my dearest friend when she has her own life as an adult! What an awesome prospect for both of us!

. . . Thanking God for my precious daugher . . . just another day in the life . . .


Lorie said...

I love your daughter. I was so glad to get to spend a little time with her this weekend. She is just like you and a little bit like Steve as well (as far as her sense of humor goes). She's a blessing to be around. BTW, I took that picture of her reading while everyone else was swimming in the lake. I honestly could not tell you had fake nails, I need to give your nail girl KUDDOS!
Love you