Sunday, October 26, 2008

Trunk or Treat!

Our church has a WONDERFUL tradition in the Fall called "Trunk or Treat!" Kind volunteers decorate their cars, vans and SUV's in the church parking lot, and then all the children get to "Trunk or Treat" for candy. Our little guys had a BLAST tonight with all their friends at this fun event!
This Halloween marks a real step in Mommy development for me: I allowed one of my children to dress in a commercialized character costume! GASP! Jack was a Transformer - "Optimus Prime" to be exact - complete with a polyester uni-suit and plastic mask. Ashley was very upset! She claims that I NEVER let her wear something "tacky" for Halloween. "Oh - the horror," I thought! I used to spend hours making sure she had beautiful costumes each year - often including a matching costume made for her American Girl doll, Samantha.
It's funny - as you look back. Kid's always are intruigued by what they perceived they didn't have. Evidently those plastic masks were pretty alluring to my sweet daughter. I'm just glad I've grown to the point to let my kiddos dress up in what THEY want and enjoy the fun of a whimsical holiday! (And what I've learned is that the kids have a great time, I don't have stress, and my buget LOVES the new costume approach!)
Happy Halloween (early)!
. . . just another day in the life . . .


Elyse said...

What a mean mom-NOT!!! Love the pictures :) I miss FUMCG's treats this year! Looks like fun :)

Lorie said...

We need to dress Samantha up, to match our 50's attire, for Halloween. My girls LOVE that American Girl stuff and play with it all the time (even Addi still loves it). They are all asking for one for Christmas-work with me kids-that's $350 we're talking. See you tomorrow!