Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Preschool Pool Party!!!! Wheee!!!

TODAY was a GREAT day and a little SAD day at the same time!!! We had the privilege of having Jack's End of the Year Preschool Party at a classmate's home - and the kids had an absolute blast! The sad part comes in as I think about the fact that all these precious little ones - many of whom have grown up together for the past 5+ years since they were babies - will all be separated and going to different elementary schools for Kindergarten in the Fall. With the joy of an amazing preschool comes the sadness when those preschool days end. But TODAY was SO MUCH FUN - we all LOVED every minute of it!!!

Jack LOVING hanging out on the noodle!

One of Jack's friends making an enthusiastic jump from the diving board!

This little girl is simply adorable!

Ryan loved drinking from the dolphin fountain by the pool!

Jack and two of his best buds hanging out in the water!

Is this the most adorable cake?!?!?!? Our whole lunch was DELICIOUS!!!

Baby Ryan just taking it all in!

Jack did love that noodle!

Ryan exploring the pool - complete with a life jacket AND float!!!

We will miss all our friends greatly next school year, but are so glad for our friendships!!!
. . . just another day in the life . . .