Monday, December 1, 2008

Girls Are Such Fun!!!!

Me, my Neice, Chloe, and Ashley

I feel in many ways that I live in a male dominated house these days! My sweet Ashley is still at home, but with all her High School and Church activities, she isn't around the house as much as she used to be. And my little boys certainly make their presence known.

So . . . it was so nice to be able to go with my daughter, my mother, my sister and her sister-in-law to celebrate my Neice, Chloe's 8th Birthday at the American Girl Place & Bistro in Dallas during Thanksgiving Week!

We had such a great time, eating "girly" food, playing with dolls (I just never get too old for that), having sweets, and just having a really fun time in a very PINK building! As most of my friends and family know, I am a real "girly" girl, so I just had the time of my life!

Although I adore having my fun (if not exhausting) little boys, I am so very happy that the Lord allowed me to have my precious daughter - and all of my extended female family members, for that matter. Sometimes, it's just nice to be a lady!

Here we are on our fun day at American Girl:

Ashley and Chloe with a new doll, an old doll and some accessories

Ashley, Chloe, Me and my Sister, Sherry

Ashley, My Mom, Chloe and my Sister Sherry